Audit Committee


We have established an audit committee pursuant to a resolution of our Board passed on 15 December 2017. Our audit committee has written terms of reference in compliance with the Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report (the ‘‘CG Code’’) as set out in Appendix 15 to the GEM Listing Rules. The primary duties of the audit committee of the Company are to make recommendations to our Board on the appointment and dismissal of the external auditor, monitor and review the financial statements and information and oversee the financial reporting system, risk management and internal control systems of the Company. At present, our audit committee consists of three members, namely Mr. Tu Liandong, Mr. Chen Chaolin and Mr. Ke Jinding. The chairman of the audit committee is Mr. Tu Liandong, who is appropriately qualified as required under the Note to Rule 5.05(2) and Rule 5.28 of the GEM Listing Rules.